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Dakota Stage Flood Recovery
2 months ago
Dakota Stage posted a new update
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2 months ago
Dakota Stage posted a new update
“Once More unto the Breach, Dear Friends” – Dakota Stage Needs You

The following was written by one of our frequent actors, Kevin Tengesdal. 

“All the world’s a stage,” but on Tuesday, August 13th, our stage was submerged in water. A rainstorm of epic proportions hit Bismarck, and Dakota Stage Ltd. was left “in a sea of troubles.” A relentless river gushed through our front and back doors, flooding the basement and inundating almost every corner of our beloved theater.

“Is this a disaster I see before me?” Yes, it is. While “the play’s the thing,” our props mostly survived, and by some miracle, the ballroom and part of the green room suffered not. But the office, bathrooms, storage rooms, and hallways – alas, poor theater, they are completely ruined. Water rushed down the aisles of our dear auditorium, pooling under the stage and wreaking havoc. The force of the water was so fierce that it stripped paint off the stage floor – leaving us wondering, “To repair or not to repair?” Well, we must!

“Something wicked this way came,” and with it, the damage was overwhelming. Carpets, sheetrock, and much of our backstage and downstairs areas must be torn asunder and replaced. The paint room and the wood room were left drowning in several inches of water. And as if that weren’t enough, we now face a mold and pest issue that demands professional deep cleaning.

The estimated cost to repair and restore Dakota Stage is a staggering $20,000. “O brave new world,” where insurance won’t cover a cent, and we are left to ask you, our cherished community, “Can you lend a hand?”

“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears!” We beseech you to support us in our hour of need. Every dollar counts, and your donation will be the lifeblood that breathes new life into Dakota Stage. Without your help, we might be forced to say, “Parting is such sweet sorrow,” as we struggle to pay our dedicated staff and keep the doors open to our vibrant arts community.

“We are such stuff as dreams are made on,” and with your support, we can restore Dakota Stage to its former glory. Together, we will ensure that “the show must go on.”

Thank you for standing by us in this critical time. Dakota Stage needs you now more than ever. “If music be the food of love, play on” – and if you can, please give generously.

2 months ago
Dakota Stage posted a new update
More storm photos

A few more images of the lobby and downstairs office.

Days Left: 0
Goal: $40000
This Fundraiser has ended!
Donor Wall
Michelle Derby
$5,000 donation
Marvin Masset
$2,500 donation
$1,000 donation
Bob and Susan Wefald
$1,000 donation
$1,000 donation
Danette & David Pengilly
$500 donation